By Master
Gardener Marianne McNiel
As I sit here eating some delicious
blueberries on my high-fiber, whole-wheat cereal, I can say that there is nothing
better than fresh blueberries and raspberries from one of our local farms. Now is the time to look for these beauties at
farm stands and farmers’ markets throughout the Lehigh Valley.
The blueberry plants grown on
most of our local farms in the Lehigh Valley are known as northern highbush
blueberries (Vaccinium corymbosum). These blueberries are grown commercially in
much of the Mid-Atlantic region of the United States. There are several varieties
of highbush blueberries grown here in Pennsylvania. Some varieties will produce
fruit well into September. In New England, a low-growing or lowbush blueberry is
grown wild and commercially. If you have ever spent time in Maine during the
summer months then you have probably sampled this smaller, sweet blueberry.
Raspberries are part of the Rubus genus, commonly known as brambles.
Blackberries are also part of this genus, but the thornless variety of
blackberry that is usually grown commercially cannot withstand our cold
winters. Some local gardeners have had success with thorny or trailing
blackberries but you might not see many of these growing at our local farms. On
the other hand, raspberry production is common on many local farms and you will
find them at your local farm stand or market. There are two types of
raspberries: red and black. Yellow raspberries are a mutation of red and black
while purple raspberries are a cross between red and black. However, 75% of raspberries
grown in the US are red.
For the local farmer,
blueberry and raspberry production are specialized skills with high stakes. The initial investment in a planting is relatively
high. Good management skills are needed to produce quality fruit, and
substantial labor is required. Both plants require acidic, well-drained soils
with regular applications of organic matter. Frequent mulching of plants is
also recommended. Raspberry plants require trellising. Both raspberry and
blueberry plants require pruning every year to increase the quality of the
fruit. Raspberry plants require the most pruning since their canes (the part of
the plants that produces the fruit) will die after each year’s production. When properly cared for, the plants will produce
fruit for many years.
If you are searching for some
local berries then you may choose to find a farm where you can pick them
yourself. This is a wonderful summer activity that I have enjoyed many times
with my children. I have included a link
to a great website for locating local farms where you can pick berries. The site is frequently updated but you may
want to call first before venturing out to the farm to ensure the crop is
available. We have had a cool spring so berry-picking dates may be a little
later than normal. Blueberries are
usually available from late June until August. Raspberries are usually
available from July until October. After
picking (or purchasing), raspberries should be eaten within a few days. Blueberries
can last up to 14 days in your refrigerator, but they taste better when used
within a few days.
If you want to sample
blueberries in a festive atmosphere, the city of Bethlehem is host to a
wonderful Blueberry Festival at Burnside Plantation. This year, it runs from July 18th to 20th.
Here you can sample homemade blueberry pies, strudel and blueberry swirl ice
Blueberries and raspberries
are delicious and in season locally. You can buy them at farm stands or
markets, pick them or celebrate them at a fun festival! One additional benefit
of eating blueberries and raspberries is that they are both high in nutrients
and antioxidants. So your doctor may miss seeing you and your family if you eat
more of these wonderful local berries. Go berries!
Pick-your-own farms in
Eastern PA:
Bethlehem Blueberry Festival:
Highbush Blueberry Production
Raspberry Production: