Wednesday, June 5, 2013

This week at the market: Strawberries

By Erin Frederick

Strawberries are grown on more than 55,000 acres across the U.S. with just over 1,200 acres in Pennsylvania.  On most of this acreage, each berry must be handpicked!  Strawberries bruise easily and need to be handled very carefully; ample time and care have gone into getting that strawberry from the field to the stand at the farmers’ market.  

There are two main types of strawberries – June bearing and day-neutral.  In Pennsylvania, June bearing strawberries produce their fruit in the late spring and early summer.   The exact time of fruit varies between May and early July depending on the variety, production methods, and location.   June bearing strawberries constitute most of the current strawberry acreage in Pennsylvania.  Day–neutral strawberries bloom and fruit repeatedly, usually in flushes, throughout spring, summer and fall and typically perform the best in cooler regions.

Farmers in Pennsylvania utilize two different types of production systems to grow strawberries: matted row and plasticulture.  In matted row production, farmers fill a 12 to 18 inch wide bed with strawberry plants.  Farmers can yield an average of 10,000 pounds per acre with this system.   Plasticulture production involves planting the plugs in plastic mulch in double rows, 12 inches apart; however, this method works best in warmer regions with long growing seasons.

The overall yield of a strawberry bed declines after about 2 to 3 years.   Farmers need to have several plots of varying ages to maintain yields.  Farmers are also able to extend the strawberry season be planting different varieties.  The chart below lists different varieties and time of season they generally ripen.

Support Your Farmer:

LEHIGH VALLEY:  George Schmidt Berry Farm is a place where you can pick your own fruit, such as strawberries, blueberries, red raspberries, peaches, blackberries and sour cherries, and certain vegetables, such as sugar peas, pod peas, and string beans.  They also sell fresh fruits and vegetables at their farm stand.

BERKS: Strawberry Hill Farm - South is a family operated, preserved farm that has been raising small fruit for 25 years, and vegetables for 15 years. The stand in Kutztown, has been in operation for the past 5 years. They sell their own raised fruits, including strawberries, blackberries and gooseberries as well as vegetables, plus other produce from local farmer friends. They sell honey products from Dannenhower Apiaries and jams and homemade baked goods from Ol' Schoolhouse Bakery.

Sources:  Ag Alternatives

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